Online Christian Soldiers publishes the Gospel since April 1, 1998

Sunday, June 05, 2005

More on Podcasts

I subscribe to a podcast created by cast members of a technology show that was revamped to the point of a zombie like existence after the network was acquired by another company.

Their podcasts represents a very interesting collective of people all focused on cutting edge consumer technology and how it can be used. They also give great reviews on new products and services that can save potential buyers a lot of time and avoid grief if the purchase was going to be a lemon.

But recently one of the team members went out of town which was normal since he travels between Toronto, Ontario, Canada and Petaluma, California USA weekly.

The recent trip was to New Orleans, Louisiana. I do not know if the trip was taxing or there is something unusual about New Orleans, but the team has really gotten thrown off their regular podcasting schedule.

The delay has been compounded by the team recording a 2 hour podcast to make up for the delay. This was and is not a good idea for anyone to consider.

Stick with your regular length of podcast if you encounter a delay or even produce a shorter podcast. Then increase the length of the following podcasts over a period of time.

The reason for this is that you will risk losing your audience which may never return even though the current technology does not require any additional work on the subscribers' part to obtain the podcast.

But if a subscriber forms a new habit of not listening to your podcast, the effort may be harder to reestablish than it was to establish the habit of active listening to the podcast in the first place.

The same can be applied to blogs.

I have learned this directly after creating the last blog entry on blogs and podcasts.

I did not realize that the blog entry was so detailed and subsequently long that I felt as if I had written 3 separate blog entries.

It is and was a labor of love that will not need to be recreated at any time in the future, so I am pleased with that.

But I will create an outline for future blog entries if they risk requiring the same level of detail and serve as a memory aid if I risk forgetting the flow where I ended the previous post.

I know that all of us can learn from the mistakes of others and grow directly and indirectly at the same time.

We are working to accomplish a spirit of excellence within any new ministry medium.

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