Online Christian Soldiers publishes the Gospel since April 1, 1998

Monday, June 06, 2005

Enjoy Christian Broadcasts with TiVo

As much as I enjoy a good sermon, nothing compares to being able to listen and watch as much Christian tv broadcasts as time allows with TiVo.

We primarily use TiVo to record television programs that are being aired in the middle of the night and watch them at other times whenever we want to.

If you already have TiVo within your home, please consider buying another TiVo unit for someone who would greatly benefit from watching Christian broadcasts on TiVo.

I must state with a sense of clarity that I really believe that TiVo would more greatly benefit pastors and church leaders (and/or people who might not buy a TiVo for failing to understand what they can do with one) if they knew that they could save a lot of time in obtaining news and information on what is going on within the world.

Any household will benefit from having TiVo, but it will take a special, peculiar people to really understand how they can receive encouragement and regain control of the television viewing hours taking place within their household by using TiVo.

You can also control the remote more efficiently whenever the news or something scary or inappropriate suddenly appears on the screen.

Here are a couple of blog entries that I wrote on my personal blog about TiVo:

TiVo or Channel Surf, The Choice Is Yours and Ours!

Only TiVo Users Will Appreciate This

3 Must Read Articles if You're Considering Joining The TiVo Swarm!


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